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Rule Hearings and Workshops

Listed below are the Administrative Rules currently under development.

Rule Number/TitleSummary of RuleNoticeWorkshop/Hearing

Premium Tax Discounts

Form OIR-B1-596
Supplemental Policy Credits to Premium Taxes Reporting Form

Section 627.5108(2), F.S., requires that insurers list the deductions provided for in this statute on the declarations page of certain policies with an effective date between October 1, 2024, and September 30, 2025. Section 627.5108(8), F.S., requires each insurer to file specified information to the Office regarding these deductions on a quarterly basis. The emergency rule specifies now these deduction are to be listed on the declarations page, the format of the required reports, and provides guidance regarding the application of these deductions.
Notice of Emergency Rule
Publish Date:

This rule takes effect upon being filed with the Department of State unless a later time and date is specified in the rule. The effective date for 69OER24-1 is 07/03/2024.


Rule Number/TitleSummary of RuleNoticeWorkshop/Hearing

Domestic Insurers Filing for an Application for Permit and Subsequent Certificate of Authority

Health Maintenance Organizations

Multiple-Employer Welfare Arrangements

Continuing Care Contracts

Prepaid Health Clinics

Insurance Administrators

Donor Annuity Organizations

Prepaid Limited Health Service Organizations

Discount Plan Organizations

Premium Finance Companies

Service Warranty Associations

Home Warranty Association

Motor Vehicle Service Agreement Companies

Legal Expense Insurance Corporations

Merger or Acquisition of the Attorney-in-Fact of a Domestic Reciprocal Insurer

Merger or Conversion of a Reciprocal Insurer

Mergers and Acquisition of Controlling Stock of a Florida Domestic Insurer

Merger, Consolidation or Acquisition of Controlling Stock, Ownership Interests, Assets, or Control of a Specialty Insurer

Forms Incorporated by Reference

Rule 69O-136.006 is amended and Rules 69O-136.070 and 69O-136.075 are created to implement Chapter 2024-182, L.O.F., regarding changes to Chapter 629 regulating reciprocal insurers. The changes also incorporate all forms in Chapter 69O-136, F.A.C., into Rule 69O-136.100, F.A.C., and update the lists of forms required to be submitted with each application.

If requested in writing and not deemed unnecessary by the agency head, a rule development workshop will be held at the date, time and place shown below:

Thursday, May 30, 2024
1 p.m.
116 Larson Building
200 East Gaines Street, Tallahassee, FL

To join by phone, call 850-328-4354 and enter conference ID 192-596-812.


Rule Number/TitleSummary of RuleNoticeWorkshop/Hearing

Annual Audited Financial Reports

Filing Procedures for Commercial and Personal Residential Property Supplemental Quarterly Report

Reinsurance Summary Statement

Notice of Nonrenewal of Residential Property Insurance Policies

Section 624.424(8)(d), F.S., was amended to require that CPAs preparing annual reports for insurance companies must have four hours of insurance related continuing education every 2 years. This amends Rule 69O-137.002 to add that continuing education requirement to the qualifications for a CPA preparing the annual report.

Rule 69O-137.009, F.A.C., and Form OIR-D0-1185 are being amended to implement changes to Section 624.424(10) F.S. Those changes require that data collected from personal and commercial residential property insurance companies will be reported by zip code, not county, and those reports will be submitted on a monthly, rather than quarterly, basis. The changes to Form OIR-D0-1185 will allow insurers to submit that data as required beginning with the January 2025 data which is due on February 15, 2025.

Rule 69O-137.011 is amended to update Form OIR-D0-1433 to conform with current law and industry practice, and update the laws implemented.

Creates Rule 69O-137.015 and Form OIR-A1-1680 to provide a standard format for data being provided by insurers who are planning to nonrenew 10,000 or more residential property insurance policies within a 12-month period. This report is required by section 624.4305, F.S.

If requested in writing and not deemed unnecessary by the agency head, a rule development workshop will be held at the date, time, and place shown below:

Thursday, May 30, 2024
9 a.m.
116 Larson Building
200 East Gaines Street, Tallahassee, FL

To join by phone, call 850-328-4354 and enter conference ID 767-797-004.


Rule Number/TitleSummary of RuleNoticeWorkshop/Hearing
Actuarial Memorandum
To enact the changes to Section 627.062(2)(j)2., F.S., made during the 2024 session, Rule 69O-170.0135 is being amended to require that, if the insurer is using an averaged hurricane model, a statement be included stating that the same average is being used statewide and to indicate if the model is a weighted averaged. If a weighted averaged model is being used, the actuarial memorandum must also include an actuarial justification showing the averaged model results in a rate that is reasonable, adequate, and fair.

If requested in writing and not deemed unnecessary by the agency head, a rule development workshop will be held at the date, time, and place shown below:

Thursday, May 30, 2024
9 a.m.
116 Larson Building
200 East Gaines Street, Tallahassee, FL

To join by phone, call 850-328-4354 and enter conference ID 767-797-004.


Rule Number/TitleSummary of RuleNoticeWorkshop/Hearing
Workers' Compensation: Application and Audit Procedures
The Office of Insurance Regulation is updating Rule 69O-189.003 to implement changes to section 440.381, F.S. and update references to incorporated materials protected by federal copyright.

Notice of Development of Rulemaking
Publish Date:

If requested in writing and not deemed unnecessary by the agency head, a rule development workshop will be held at the date, time and place shown below:

Thursday, May 30, 2024
10:30 a.m.
116 Larson Building
200 East Gaines Street, Tallahassee, FL

To join by phone, call 850-328-4354 and enter conference ID 805-475-424.


Rule Number/TitleSummary of RuleNoticeWorkshop/Hearing
Change of Name
Rule 69O-191.094, F.A.C., is amended to update the process by which HMOs may change their legal names and register fictitious names. This Rule prevents HMOs from using names to transact insurance before the Office is notified.

If requested in writing and not deemed unnecessary by the agency head, a rule development workshop will be held at the date, time, and place shown below:

Thursday, May 30, 2024
10:30 a.m.
116 Larson Building
200 East Gaines Street, Tallahassee, FL

To join by phone, call 850-328-4354 and enter conference ID 805-475-424.

Rule Number/TitleSummary of RuleNoticeWorkshop/Hearing
Financial Requirements Regarding the Funded, Unearned Premium Reserve Account
Chapter 2024-140, L.O.F., amended section 634.3077, F.S., and created an exception for home warranty associations. If they adhere to strict requirements, they do not have to meet certain financial responsibility requirements, including establish an unearned premium reserve. Rule 69O-199.005, F.A.C., is amended to adopt Form OIR-A3-1000 “Home Warranty Association Exception,” which will collect the relevant information from home warranty associations so the Office can appropriately apply the exception.

If requested in writing and not deemed unnecessary by the agency head, a rule development workshop will be held at the date, time, and place shown below:

Thursday, May 30, 2024
9 a.m.
116 Larson Building
200 East Gaines Street, Tallahassee, FL

To join by phone, call 850-328-4354 and enter conference ID 767-797-004.


Rule Number/TitleSummary of RuleNoticeWorkshop/Hearing
Late Filed Reports - Fine Schedule
Rule 69O-207.001, F.A.C., is amended to update citations to updated statutes. These changes also allow for the Office to assess greater fines for violations of failing to file an annual report.

If requested in writing and not deemed unnecessary by the agency head, a rule development workshop will be held at the date, time, and place shown below:

Thursday, May 30, 2024
10:30 a.m.
116 Larson Building
200 East Gaines Street, Tallahassee, FL

To join by phone, call 850-328-4354 and enter conference ID 805-475-424.