Guy Fraker

Chief Innovation Officer
ITL’s Innovator’s Studio

Guy Fraker has 30 years within the insurance industry and been on the leading edge of building innovation systems for the past 10 years spanning
primary carriers, reinsurers, and related sectors. As Chief Innovation Officer, Guy leads ITL’s Innovator’s Studio, serving insurance companies,
regulators, reinsurance firms, by helping them leverage consistent innovation for long term leadership, growth, stability. Likewise, he coaches
entrepreneurs leveraging ITL’s Innovators Edge to launch new ventures. Guy has been featured in the NY Times, NBC, Silicon Valley blogs,
Thinking Highways magazine, Forbes and a coming documentary,“Life on Wheels.” He has also appeared on Bloomberg Finance and National
Underwriter webinars, provided keynotes in the U.S., Canada, India and Korea and guest lectured at graduate schools around the world.
He has been engaged by U.S. and foreign governments, Fortune 100 firms and international trade associations, as well as startup entrepreneurs,
venture capital firms and game-changing institutions such as the X-Prize Foundation. He is the author of “Cre8tfutures: The Best Futures Are
Those We Create Together.”